Atkar is committed to sustainable workmanship and environmental responsibility.
Sourcing of Materials
Atkar is FSC® certified (FSC® C135261). The Forest Stewardship Council® is a global, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management worldwide. We procure wood products from suppliers that provide the FSC - certified materials.
In working towards our sustainability goals, Atkar North America is associated with the Forest Stewardship Council® by being a certified body member. In regards to our commitment to the FSC values, Atkar North America agrees to the “Policy for the Association of Organizations with FSC” as published under www.fsc.org.
LEED Projects
These are some of Atkar NA’s list of LEED projects that we are proud to be apart of!
Dalhousie Fitness Centre (MJMA & FBM Architecture) - LEED GOLD
Seneca College King Campus (MontgomerySisam) - LEED GOLD
York University New Student Centre (Cannon Design) - LEED GOLD
McMaster David Braley Health Sciences Centre (NORR Architects) - LEED GOLD
Nova Scotia Community College Pictou Trades Centre (Barrie & Langille Architects) - LEED GOLD
Oak Ridges Library (Perkins & Will) - LEED SILVER
MNRF North Bay (Larocque Elder Architects) - LEED GOLD
Its initial target was LEED SILVER but the project details surpassed that and achieved LEED GOLD
Evolv1 (Stantec Architecture) - LEED PLATINUM
Also ZCB (Zero Carbon Building) Certified
Atkar and it’s parent company, Archmill House, prides itself on reusing or recycling the materials that aren’t used during projects. We recycle:
143,450 gallons of wastewater per year from glue/lay-up machines
At least one bin per week averaging 6-7 tons of offcuts
Approximately, 600 pounds of cardboard per week
Environment Management System
We measure, track and report our hydro and water consumption against KPIs, as well as on our dust extraction system. This includes the amount of recyclable material collected and removed.
Partnering with One Tree Planted
Atkar North America, along with our parent company Archmill House, has contributed directly to the planting of 700 trees in British Columbia to combat the trees lost in the recent forest fires.
One Tree Planted is a non-profit organization focused on global reforestation as they help businesses improve their sustainability initiatives.